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Ares 2.3.0

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Berbagi Berkas antarkomputer

Share music, photos and video at high speed.

Ares - Download 2.3.0

Download Ares 2.3.0

Berbagi Berkas antarkomputer
882.41 KB
- Windows XP / Vista

This open source p2p client allows users around the world to connect and share files at high speed. One of its distinguishing features is the ability to download one file from multiple sources sharing a file which is either completed or partially discharged, thereby improving the transfer speed. Unlike other p2p operators, with Ares we do not have to wait to start the download, just do a search and find the file, double click it to add the download queue and ready. Simple and fast.

Another advantage we found in Ares is the player that has incorporated, allowing us to pre-visualize the partial download to make sure we get everything we really want. This is very important since a negative point of p2p networks is that the files that are shared are rarely verified. In that sense, Ares also provides the opportunity to add comments to files, so that we can warn other users about the contents of suspicious files.

You may now easily publish your files through the Ares peer to peer network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users.

This latest version supports BitTorrent protocol and Shoutcast radio stations for the integrated player.

With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.

This version has no limitations because it is a free program. Download it! Safely and quickly from our servers!
Soft4Click Com informs that Ares 2.3.0 should be only used in accordance with the rules of intellectual property and the existing Criminal Code. The inclusion of any keygen, serial or crack is not allowed and disclaims any liability for the inappropriate use of this software. production